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Noémie Cuts Back on Take-Out During Her No Buy Challenge

Noemie Picaldi wearing her Minori cream blush in Orchid

If you’ve been following Minori for a while, you would know that mindful-consumption and sustainability are core aspects of our mission. 2020 was a rough year on our mental health and well-being, but also on our finances. We decided to kick off 2021 with a no buy challenge! Not only will we practice being sustainable, but it’s also a way to focus on what we have already.

 The official Minori No Buy Challenge is now over! We were blown away by the enthusiasm and participation that was strong throughout the month! Noémie an LA-based content creator (and also a mom to three very adorable kids) who runs the elegant @minoblue Instagram page shares a bit about her No Buy January experience with us.

What expense were you trying to cut back on during the No Buy January Challenge?

My biggest expense I was trying to cut back on during my no-buy was getting takeout. I easily get lazy or tired at the end of the day to cook.

A Shopping Ban Challenge can be very hard! What were your difficulties, setbacks, or temptations?

The biggest difficulty was avoiding ordering take-out, but with a little bit more planning it was ok. I kept some backup frozen meals which were tremendously helpful! As a content creator, the biggest temptation was resisting buying new beauty and skincare launches. I am proud to say that it was ok during this month, and I did not give in to temptation. I’m also happy to report that I really cut back on accepting free gifts from brands too! I turned down offers of PR packages unless they were paid partnership, or it was a product I REALLY wanted. I wanted to minimize the intake of more “stuff” in my life during this month.

What habit do you hope to carry forward into your life after the challenge is done?

Once the challenge is done, I hope to continue ordering less take-out. I also really want to focus on what I have (which is already enough) instead of what I don’t have. One rule I implemented during the No Buy Challenge was to write down things I was craving to buy so I can revisit them the following month. I want to continue with this rule and wait a few weeks, a month, or even two months before buying it, to see if I still really want it.



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